
Archive for February, 2012

Copier Leasing Options for Baltimore Businesses- The 3 Types of Copier Leases

February 10, 2012 Leave a comment

Once you’ve decided to invest in a new copier for your business in Baltimore your next step is to decide whether you’d like to purchase or lease the copier. For tips and information on how to make that decision click over to our article titled “How to Decide if You Should Buy or Lease a Copier for Your Baltimore Businesses”.

If you have decided to lease a copier for your business there are only 3 lease options to choose from and these days only 2 options are truly relevant.

The 3 types of copier leases are:

Fair Market Value– The most common of all copier leases. The way that this lease works is that at the end of the lease term the leasing company will tell you what the fair market value of that machine is and then you can buy it from them for that amount of money.

$1 Buyout Lease– The next most common type of lease. The $1 buyout lease means that at at the end of the lease term you can “buyout” the copier from the leasing company. Now you may be wondering why you would choose any other type of lease over this one. The answer is that this lease will cost you more than the others in interest and fees during the life of the lease. The leasing company will get their money one way or the other.

10% Lease– The least common and very rarely used kind of copier lease.

Which type of lease you choose should be based on your situation and companies needs.

If you have further questions about copier leasing and you would like to speak to a copier leasing expert please contact me, Ed Worthington at 443-570-0414.